Monday, December 20, 2010


                                CORBETT NATIONAL PARK

India 1st and finest park spread over 520sq. km. along the banks of the Ramganga River with elevation ranging from 400 meters to 1210 meters above sea level just 300km. northeast of Delhi in the foothills of the Himalayas is the Corbett National Park.
Corbett is regarded as one of the true bird parks in the word. Out of the 2060 species and subspecies of birds recorded in the Indian subcontinent over 600 species/ subspecies of bird have been recorded from Corbett at one time or another. The reserve is not less than a paradise for bird-watcher. European bird-watcher are some of the keenest visitors during to the reserve during winters when the bird’s diversity is at its peak. Birds that can be spotted at the banks of river Ramganga   on the outskirts of Corbett Park include Brown Fish, Owl, Himalayan Kingfisher, Brown Dipper and such more. Mammals including Tiger, Leopard, Indian Elephant, Chital, Muntjack (Barking Deer). Hog Deer and Common Langur. 

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